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Transcript for Revolver Cleaning

On screen: Cleaning Your Single-Action Revolver

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning your firearm provided in your instruction manual. This content is a general guideline for this style of firearm.

Speaker fires two shots with a revolver.

We always get asked, how often should I clean my gun? Well, the answer is, whatever the manufacturer's recommendations tell you. That can be a lot of different things, depending on your region, weather, humidity, dust, sand, how often you shoot. These are all factors that play in.

But at the end of the day, clean it on a regular interval or whenever it's exposed to sand, dust, and those elements. So, we're going to go ahead and break this down and get it cleaned up.

Alright. Just like any other firearm, before we get started, we want to make sure it's safe. On the Vaquero, all we want to do is open the gate. We want to turn the cylinder and check each chamber individually. And it is safe and ready to work on.

Make sure you do not skip this step. It's the most important step of anything we will do today.

Now we're going to disassemble the firearm. Not that difficult. On the left-hand side, you'll see the base pin latch right in front of the cylinder. You're going to press that down. When you do, you can pull up the base pin. This is the pin that runs all the way through the cylinder. Just as so.

Now we're going to open the gate, and we'll be able to pull the cylinder out. Just like that.

Speaker places the revolver onto a desk for cleaning.

Now that it is broken down, we're going to move to one of the easiest cleanings you might ever do.

First, we're going to use a pistol rod along with the brush and clean the barrel out. Next, we're going to use a jag along with some patches. We will begin by using gun bore cleaner on a patch and running it down our barrel.

We will follow this with a dry patch and repeat the process until we get a clean patch.

Now, we're going to add this lubricating gun oil to a patch and run it through the barrel.

Next, we're going to do the same process on our chambers. I like to count out loud to keep track of how many I've done. Otherwise, you will just keep going forever.

Once you have all the chambers and the barrel cleaned, we are going to use some lubricating gun oil to wipe down all the parts and adding a drop to areas of high friction.

Then, reversing our steps we used to break down the Vaquero, we're going to put it back together. It really is that simple.

Alright. Now that we've got this beauty all cleaned up, we're going to go ahead and secure it in a safe location, as per the manufacturer's recommendations.

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