Semi-Automatic (or Autoloading) Action
As each shot is fired manually, the case of the shotshell is ejected automatically and the chamber is reloaded automatically.
- To open the action, you must pull back the bolt’s operating handle on a shotgun. Most semi-automatics, when the bolt or slide is pulled back, will lock in the open position if the magazine is empty. If the firearm does not lock open, it means that a shotshell from the magazine has gone into the chamber, making the firearm ready to fire. A few semi-automatics do not lock open and must be held open to check the chamber.
- To unload, cycle the action until all rounds have ejected from the shotgun. Visually inspect the feeding chamber, and lock the bolt to the rear once the firearm is emptied.
- When closing the action for loading, pull back to unlock the bolt and then let go allowing the bolt to travel forward on its own. Do not guide it forward with your hand because it may not seat properly.
- On a semi-automatic, the trigger must be pulled each time a shot is fired.

Semi-automatic shotgun